Green Web Hosting
We are very passionate about protecting the environment and committed to improving the sustainability of our business.
Renewable Energy
Our servers are colocated at a datacenter in Montreal, Quebec which is supplied power by Hydro-Quebec. Hydro-Québec currently uses water to generate almost 100% of its output. Compared to coal-fired power generation, hydroelectric power generation produces only a minute fraction of the greenhouse gases. Hydro-Québec also draws a small amount of power from wind and biomass sources.
So almost all of the power drawn by Zenutech's equipment is from a source that contributes very little to the greenhouse effect.
Reusing Hardware
Since we started in 2002, we have re-purposed every retired server. Where and when appropriate, we have donated older servers to schools and educational facilities.
Reusing hardware is a big part of our strategy to keep our operational wastes to a minimum and reduce our landfill contributions.
Office and Commuting
We have changed to energy efficient light bulbs. We also heat or air condition only occupied rooms to save much wasted energy. Some of our employees have also adopted cycling and public transportation as a means of getting to the office. Employees are also given the opportunity to work from home where appropriate.